CMZ reinforces its after sales service in the UK

Published: | Machine Tools, CNC Lathes

With the aim of improving the After Sales Service in the country, CMZ, European manufacturer of CNC lathes, has reinforced its service area increasing the number of field engineers and with a new Service Manager. The main objective of the company is to guarantee the correct functioning of their machines and to ensure a quality service to all the customers.

New era for the After Sales Service in the UK
The high demand of machine tools in the UK market has made clear the need of both a powerful commercial network and an efficient after sales service who will be in charge of ensuring the satisfaction of all the customers. This being so, CMZ now counts on Richard Eales the UK’s new Service Manager, whose main responsibility will be to attend the customer’s needs and to coordinate the After Sales team members. Moreover, in order to give an answer to the high number of customers in the country, CMZ has decided to increase the number of qualified field technicians. Their major duty will be the installation and maintenance of CMZ lathes, as well as the teaching of programming courses, ensuring the correct use of the machine and extending this way their life cycle. This decision has been taken after a long reflection period of how to ensure a quality response to all those who acquire a CMZ machine, or are considering it.

€ 110 million turnover in 2023
With the 2021-2023 strategic plan, CMZ wanted to achieve € 100 million turnover for the end of 2024. The company has implemented several strategies, and for the end of 2023 they have achieved € 110 million turnover in record time. With 549 CNC lathes delivered, this is a milestone for the company, who is planning to continue its continuous growth and to expand market share in the UK. For that aim, the human resources area with fastest growing include IT, the applications department and the after sales department. With more than 70 professionals distributed in 6 European subsidiaries, the service department has carried out more than 3.600 interventions and delivered 6.747 spare parts. The free hotline, where customers are attended directly by CMZ engineers, has received and solved doubts in, approximately, 15.000 calls. CMZ has put its efforts on reinforcing the after sales service by creating a solid and strong structure. The incorporation of a new Service Manager who is focused on offering a quality, personalised and close attention is a step forward on its continuous improvement plan. What’s more, the increase of the number of technical profiles at the department is another makes clear the focus of the company.

CMZ Machine Tool Manufacturer S.L.


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