Successful first year spurs new laser investment for Oxfordshire company


Successful first year spurs new laser investment for Oxfordshire company

ES Precision filed its accounts for its first trading year in September 2018

and the precision laser processing specialist shows a profitable start with turnover ahead of expectations. Profits generated have been reinvested into the business in the form of new UV laser technology from Coherent-Rofin UK.

ES now has eight laser systems using Vanadate, Nd:YAG, fibre and CO2 sources, as well as the new frequency-tripled Vanadate UV source. This keeps ES Precision at the forefront of laser marking and fine drilling/cutting. No other subcontract marking specialist offers such a broad range of laser technologies. The UV laser in particular opens up opportunities that conventional lasers miss, as the shorter wavelength is absorbed extremely well by plastics, organics and many ceramics.

Pure surface absorption on many plastics usually produces a superior mark (see figure 1) to the partial transmission of IR wavelengths from other lasers.
Further, the shorter wavelength of the frequency-tripled laser allows it to be focused down to a smaller spot size than most other technologies, resulting in finer detail or better resolution. This is especially valuable for ID Matrix marking (see figure 2).

ES Precision is happy to mark sample parts to find the best solution for any company that needs permanent product identification, decoration or functional marking/engraving/surface modification.

For laser processing services, contact:

ES Precision Ltd
Tel: 01865 821818
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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