21 percent faster processing speeds achieve with Turbo Tech

Published: | Cutting Tools, EDM

Turbo Tech cutting technology delivers faster processing speeds with no compromise on quality (part accuracy and surface finish).

Turbo Tech cutting technology, a standard option on new GF Machining Solutions’ AgieCharmilles wire EDM machines, delivers faster processing speeds with no compromise on quality (part accuracy and surface finish). 

In a recent bench-mark test cut conducted by GF Machining Solutions’ engineers, the company’s Turbo Tech cutting technology was pitted against its ‘Speed Tech’ cutting technology in a timed trial – the objective being to find out which would deliver the fastest processing speeds.

The cutting process undertaken involved two CUT P 350 Pro wire EDM machines, simultaneously machining an identical punch die component using AC Brass 900 wire (0.25mm diameter).

The punches were both cut from 30mm thick steel, and the requirement was to achieve a 0.45um surface finish.

With the first CUT P 350 Pro, the ‘Speed Tech’ setting was selected from the machine’s UNIQUA iHMI control, and on the second, the ‘Turbo Tech’ setting was used.

The cutting process, involving a main cut followed by 3 x trim cuts, was timed for each, with the part being machined using Turbo Tech taking 30 minutes to complete as opposed to 38 minutes with Speed Tech.

Says Martin Spencer, GF Machining Solutions (UK)’s managing director:

“In this relatively straightforward test the processing speed of the part being machined using Turbo Tech was 21% faster.

“For more complex parts this can be increased to over 40%, demonstrating that Turbo Tech delivers increased productivity and improved accuracies, whatever the flushing conditions and irrespective of the wire being used.”

GF Machining Solutions Ltd.   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   www.gfms.com/uk                              


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