Mills CNC refreshes and relaunches its flagship ‘SMART Options’ machine tool rental initiative.


Right on the money.

Mills CNC, the exclusive distributor of DN Solutions’ and Zayer machine tools in the UK and Ireland, has recently refreshed its ‘SMART Options’ machine tool rental scheme and has introduced a new brochure that explains the initiative in more detail to potential customers.

‘SMART Options’ is a market-driven, customer-focused and highly flexible machine tool rental scheme aimed at those manufacturers who may need additional machining capacity now (and in the short term), but who do not wish to commit to purchasing a new machine tool at this particular moment in time.

Managed and administered by Mills CNC Finance (Mills CNC’s independently-operated finance arm), ‘SMART Options’ enables manufacturers to acquire a new DN Solutions’ machine tool for a 12-month rental period (in the first instance) from Mills with the option, at the end of the 12-month period to:

  • Return the machine to Mills CNC
  • Purchase the machine and get 100% of the rental payments made to date refunded against the original list price of the machine. (With this Option customers also benefit from a full 12 month’s additional manufacturer’s warranty).
  • Extend the rental period on the machine for a further 12 months.

Mills’ ‘SMART Options’ rental scheme is amazingly competitive and is offered at a ratio of just £30.00 (monthly payment) per £1,000.00 (list price of the DN Solutions’ machine tool being rented). 

So, for example, a new Lynx 2100B lathe is available to rent, through the ‘SMART Options’ scheme, for just £1,920.00 per month!

Mills’ ‘SMART Options’ rental scheme is simple and straightforward with no hidden extras or upfront costs to worry about. There is no deposit to pay and machine tool delivery, installation and training are all included at no additional cost.

The Scheme also means customers can benefit from off-balance sheet accounting and reporting (subject to status), and be confident that rental payments are 100% allowable against taxable profits.

Says Tony Dale, Mills CNC’s Group CEO:

“SMART Options is an exciting way for component manufacturers to acquire a new DN Solutions’ machine, and the Scheme is evidence of Mills’ commitment to ‘thinking outside the box’ for its customers.”

To find out more about Mills CNC’s ‘SMART Options’- call 01926 736736 or visit

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